Hi Paul,

On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 12:56 PM, Paul Moore <p.f.mo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm concerned about the memory and startup time penalties. It's nice
> that you're working on them - I'd like to see them remain a priority.
> Ultimately a *lot* of people use Python for short-running transient
> commands (not just adhoc scripts, think "hg log") and startup time and
> memory penalties can really hurt there.

I think final merger from the proposed py3k-jit branch into py3k
should block on reducing the startup and memory usage penalties.
Improving startup time is high on my list of priorities, and I think
there's a fair amount of low-hanging fruit there. I've just updated
http://code.google.com/p/unladen-swallow/issues/detail?id=64 with some
ideas that have recently come up to improve startup time, as well
results from the recently-added hg_startup and bzr_startup benchmarks.
I'll also update the PEP with these benchmark results, since they're
important to a lot of people.

> Windows compatibility is a big deal to me. And IMHO, it's a great
> strength of Python at the moment that it has solid Windows support. I
> would be strongly *against* this PEP if it was going to be Unix or
> Linux only. As it is, I have concerns that Windows could suffer from
> the common "none of the developers use Windows, but we do our best"
> problem. I'm hoping that having U-S integrated into the core will mean
> that there will be more Windows developers able to contribute and
> alleviate that problem.

One of our contributors, James Abbatiello (cc'd), has done a bang-up
job of making Unladen Swallow work on Windows. My understanding from
his last update is that Unladen Swallow works well on Windows, but he
can comment further as to the precise state of Windows support and any
remaining challenges faced on that platform, if any.

> One question - once Unladen Swallow is integrated, will Google's
> support (in terms of dedicated developer time) remain? If not, I'd
> rather see more of the potential gains realised before integration, as
> otherwise it could be a long time before it happens. Ideally, I'd like
> to see a commitment from Google - otherwise the cynic in me is
> inclined to say "no" until the suggested speed benefits have
> materialised and only then accept U-S for integration. Less cynically,
> it's clear that there's quite a way to go before the key advertised
> benefits of U-S are achieved, and I don't want the project to lose
> steam before it gets there.

While this decision is not mine, I don't believe our director would be
open to an open-ended commitment of full-time Google engineering
resources, though we still have another few quarters of engineering
time allocated to the Google team (myself, Jeffrey Yasskin). At this
point, the clear majority of Unladen Swallow's performance patches are
coming from the non-Google developers on the project (Jeffrey and I
are mostly working on infrastructure), and I believe that pattern will
continue once the py3k-jit branch is established.

Collin Winter
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