2010/1/31 Nick Coghlan <ncogh...@gmail.com>:
> Georg Brandl wrote:
>> Then why did Subversion choose to follow the CVS way and create a
>> subdirectory in each versioned directory?  IMO, this is much more
>> annoying given the alternative of a single .hg/.bzr/whatever directory.
>> For .pyc vs .pyr, you didn't have the alternative of putting all that
>> stuff in one directory now.
> I actually like the svn/cvs way, since each directory in the working
> copy is self-contained. The DVCS way means that you can't tell just by
> looking at a directory whether it is part of a working copy or not -
> there is a non-local element affecting you at a higher point in the
> filesystem hierarchy.

Exactly. How would you define where the pyr folder goes? At the root
of a package? What if I delete the __init__.py file there? Will the
existing pyr folder be orphaned and a new one created in each
subfolder? Unlike VCS working copies, the package / module / script
hierarchy is not formally defined in python.

Having one single pyr (or__pycache__ or whatever it's called)
subfolder per folder is an easy to understand, solid solution. I'm
also in favor of making this folder non-hidden. Unlike a .git or.hg
folder, it impacts the code execution itself. Think of the newbies!
.pyc files already lead to heisenbugs for inexperienced developers
(e.g. importing a lingering pyc instead of an intended module with the
same name further down sys.path), and they're in plain sight.
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