On 30/07/2010 17:59, Oleg Broytman wrote:
On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 07:26:26AM +0100, Daniel Waterworth wrote:
@Oleg: ...
This is purely CPython bug-fixing/the discussion of
implementation choices.
    I am not sure it's a bug.

It isn't a bug but it's a very common *cause* of bugs, even for relatively experienced Python programmers (this exchange being another case in point).


By manipulating sys.path (or symlinks in the
FS) one can import the same file as different modules as many times as
[s]he wants. Should this be fixed for __main__? I doubt it. Instead of
making __main__ a special case follow the rule: don't import the same
module under different paths/names.
    Make your script simply

from test import main



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