Am 26.09.2010 03:45, schrieb P.J. Eby:
> I'm actually a bit surprised people are bringing this up now, since when
> I announced the plan to make these changes, I said that nothing would be
> changed that would break anything

I think people read this as "nothing would be changed, period."

However, you did make substantial changes to the specification (or else
the whole exercise would have been pointless, I suppose, and you
couldn't have claimed that WSGI is now Python 3-friendly when it
previously was not).

So this is essentially a new version of the spec. As PEPs themselves
are not versioned (unlike, say, ISO standards), Guido insists it ought
to get a new PEP number. Then, people declaring compliance can identify
what specification they actually comply to. Declaring compliance to
PEP 333 as-of-last-week-but-not-as-of-today is now difficult. This
particularly puzzles people some of the existing WSGI servers are
now incompatible to the PEP, when they still were compatible last

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