On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 3:41 PM, Antoine Pitrou <solip...@pitrou.net> wrote:
> While trying to solve #3873 (poor performance of pickle on file
> objects, due to the overhead of calling read() with very small values),
> it occurred to me that the prefetching facilities offered by
> BufferedIOBase are not flexible and efficient enough.

I haven't read the whole bug but there seem to be lots of different
smaller issues there, right? It seems that one (unfortunate)
constraint is that reading pickles cannot use buffered I/O (at least
not on a non-seekable file) because the API has been documented to
leave the file positioned right after the last byte of the pickled
data, right?

> Indeed, if you use seek() and read(), 1) you limit yourself to seekable
> files 2) performance can be hampered by very bad seek() performance
> (this is true on GzipFile).

Ow... I've always assumed that seek() is essentially free, because
that's how a typical OS kernel implements it. If seek() is bad on
GzipFile, how hard would it be to fix this?

How common is the use case where you need to read a gzipped pickle
*and* you need to leave the unzipped stream positioned exactly at the
end of the pickle?

> If instead you use peek() and read(), the situation is better, but you
> end up doing multiple copies of data; also, you must call read() to
> advance the file pointer even though you don't care about the results.

Have you measured how bad the situation is if you do implement it this way?

> So I would propose adding the following method to BufferedIOBase:
> prefetch(self, buffer, skip, minread)
> Skip `skip` bytes from the stream.  Then, try to read at
> least `minread` bytes and write them into `buffer`. The file
> pointer is advanced by at most `skip + minread`, or less if
> the end of file was reached. The total number of bytes written
> in `buffer` is returned, which can be more than `minread`
> if additional bytes could be prefetched (but, of course,
> cannot be more than `len(buffer)`).
> Arguments:
> - `buffer`: a writable buffer (e.g. bytearray)
> - `skip`: number of bytes to skip (must be >= 0)
> - `minread`: number of bytes to read (must be >= 0 and <= len(buffer))

I like the idea of an API that combines seek and read into a mutable
buffer. However the semantics of this call seem really weird: there is
no direct relationship between where it leaves the stream position and
how much data it reads into the buffer. can you explain how exactly
this will help solve the gzipped pickle performance problem?

> Also, the BufferedIOBase ABC can then provide default implementations of
> read(), readinto() and peek(), simply by calling prefetch().
> (how read1() can fit into the picture is not obvious)
> What do you think?

Move to python-ideas?

--Guido van Rossum (python.org/~guido)
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