Ethan Furman wrote:
Greg Ewing wrote:
As for

--> some_other_var[3] == b'd'

there ought to be a literal for specifying an integer
using an ascii character, so you could say something like

  if some_other_var[3] == c'd':

which would be equivalent to

  if some_other_var[3] == ord(b'd')

but without the overhead of computing the value each time
at run time.

Given that we can't change the behavior of b'abc'[1], that would be better than what we have.


Here's another thought, that perhaps is not backwards-incompatible...

some_var[3] == b'd'

At some point, the bytes class' __eq__ will be called -- is there a reason why we cannot have

1) a check to see if the bytes instance is length 1
2) a check to see if
   i) the other object is an int, and
   2) 0 <= other_obj < 256
3) if 1 and 2, make the comparison instead of returning NotImplemented?

This makes sense to me -- after all, the bytes class is an array of ints in range(256); it is a special case, but doesn't feel any more special than passing an int into bytes() giving a string of that many null bytes; and it would get rid of the, in my opinion ugly, idiom of

some_var[i:i+1] == b'd'

It would also not require a new literal syntax.

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