Hello! This is my first posting to the python-dev list, so please
forgive me if I violate any unspoken etiquette here. :)

I was looking at Python 2.x's f_restricted frame flag (or, rather, the
numerous ways around it) and noticed that most (all?)
of the attacks to escape restricted execution involved the attacker
grabbing something he wasn't supposed to have.
IMO, Python's extensive introspection features make that a losing
battle, since it's simply too easy to forget to blacklist
something and the attacker finding it. Not only that, even with a
perfect vacuum-sealed jail, an attacker can still bring down
the interpreter by exhausting memory or consuming excess CPU.

I think I might have a way of securely sealing-in untrusted code. It's a
fairly nascent idea, though, and I haven't worked out
all of the details yet, so I'm posting what I have so far for feedback
and for others to try to poke holes in it.

Absolutely nothing here is final. I'm just framing out what I generally
had in mind. Obviously, it will need to be adjusted to
be consistent with "the Python way" - my hope is that this can become a
PEP. :)

>>> # It all starts with the introduction of a new type, called a jail.
(I haven't yet worked out whether it should be a builtin type,
... # or a module.) Unjailed code can create jails, which will run the
untrusted code and keep strict limits on it.
>>> j = jail()
>>> dir(j)
['__class__', '__delattr__', '__doc__', '__format__',
'__getattribute__', '__hash__',
'__init__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__',
'__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', 'acquire', 'getcpulimit',
'getmemorylimit', 'getmemoryusage', 'gettimelimit', 'gettimeusage',
'setcpulimit', 'setmemorylimit', 'settimelimit']
>>> # The jail monitors three things: Memory (in bytes), real time (in
seconds), and CPU time (also in seconds)
... # and it also allows you to impose limits on them. If any limit is
non-zero, code in that jail may not exceed its limit.
... # Exceeding a memory limit will result in a MemoryError. I haven't
decided what CPU/real time limits should raise.
... # The other two calls are "acquire" and "release," which allow you
to seal (any) objects inside the jail, or bust them
    # out. Objects inside the jail (i.e. created by code in that jail)
contribute their __sizeof__() to the j.getmemoryusage()
>>> def stealPasswd():
...         return open('/etc/passwd','r').read()
>>> j.acquire(stealPasswd)
>>> j.getmemoryusage() # The stealPasswd function, its code, etc. are
now locked away within the jail.
>>> stealPasswd()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
JailError: tried to access an object outside of the jail

The object in question is, of course, 'open'. Unlike the f_restricted
model, the jail was freely able to grab
the open() function, but was absolutely unable to touch it: It can't
call it, set/get/delete attributes/items,
or pass it as an argument to any functions. There are three criteria
that determine whether an object can
be accessed:
a. The code accessing the object is not within a jail; or
b. The object belongs to the same jail as the code accessing the object; or
c. The object has an __access__ function, and
theObject.__access__(theJail) returns True.

For the jail to be able to access 'open', it needs to be given access
explicitly. I haven't quite decided
how this should work, but I had in mind the creation of a "guard"
(essentially a proxy) that allows the jail
to access the object. It belongs to the same jail as the guarded object
(and is therefore impossible to create
within a jail unless the guarded object belongs to the same jail), has a
list of jails (or None for 'any') that the
guard will allow to __access__ it (the guard is immutable, so jails
can't mess with it even though they can
access it), and what the guard will allow though it (read-write,
read-only, call-within-jail, call-outside-jail).

I have a couple remaining issues that I haven't quite sussed out:
* How exactly do guards work? I had in mind a system of proxies (memory
usage is a concern, especially
    in memory-limited jails - maybe allow __access__ to return specific
modes of access rather than
    all-or-nothing?) that recursively return more guards after
operations. (e.g., if I have a guard allowing
    read+call on sys, sys.stdout would return another guard allowing
read+call on sys.stdout, likewise for
* How are objects sealed in the jail? j.acquire can lead to serious
problems with lots of references
    getting recursively sealed in. Maybe disallow sealing in anything
but code objects, or allow explicitly
    running code within a jail like j.execute(code, globals(),
locals()), which works fine since any objects
    created by jailed code are also jailed.
* How do imports work? Should __import__ be modified so that when a jail
invokes it, the import runs
    normally (unjailed), and then returns the module with a special
guard that allows read-only+call-within,
    but not on builtins? This has a nice advantage, since jailed code
can import e.g. socket, and maybe even
    create a socket, but won't be able to do sock.connect(...), since
socket.connect (which is running with
    jailed permissions) can't touch the builtin _socket module.
* Is obj.__access__(j) the best way to decide access? It doesn't allow
programmers much freedom to
    customize the jail policy since they can't modify __access__ for
builtins. Maybe the jail should have
    the first chance (such as j.__access__(obj)), which allows
programmers to subclass the jail, and the jail
    can fallback to obj.__access__(j)
* How does Python keep track of what jail each frame is in? Maybe each
frame can have a frame.f_jail,
    which references the jail object restricting that frame (or None for
unjailed code) - frames' jails default
    to the jail holding the code object, or can be explicitly overridden
(as in j.execute(code, globals(), locals()))
* When are jails switched? Obviously, jailed code called from unjailed
code (or even from other unjailed
    code) should be executed in the callee jail... But if a jailed
caller is calling unjailed code, does the jail
    follow, or does the unjailed code run in an unjailed frame? How do
programmers specify that?

...that's pretty much my two (erm, twenty) cents on the matter. Again,
any feedback/adversarial reasoning
you guys can offer is much appreciated.
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