On 7/19/2011 8:58 PM, P.J. Eby wrote:
Standard Library Changes/Additions

The ``pkgutil`` module should be updated to handle this
specification appropriately, including any necessary changes to
``extend_path()``, ``iter_modules()``, etc.

Specifically the proposed changes and additions to ``pkgutil`` are:

* A new ``extend_virtual_paths(path_entry)`` function, to extend
  existing, already-imported virtual packages' ``__path__`` attributes
  to include any portions found in a new ``sys.path`` entry.  This
  function should be called by applications extending ``sys.path``
  at runtime, e.g. when adding a plugin directory or an egg to the

  The implementation of this function does a simple top-down traversal
  of ``sys.virtual_packages``, and performs any necessary
  ``get_subpath()`` calls to identify what path entries need to
  be added to each package's ``__path__``, given that `path_entry`
  has been added to ``sys.path``.  (Or, in the case of sub-packages,
  adding a derived subpath entry, based on their parent namespace's

When I read about creating __path__ from sys.path, I immediately thought of the issue of programs that extend sys.path, and the above is the "workaround" for such programs. but it requires such programs to do work, and there are a lot of such programs (I, a relative newbie, have had to write some). As it turns out, I can't think of a situation where I have extended sys.path that would result in a problem for fancy namespace packages, because so far I've only written modules, not packages, and only modules are on the paths that I add to sys.path. But that does not make for a general solution.

Is there some way to create a new __path__ that would reflect the fact that it has been dynamically created, rather than set from __init__.py, and then when it is referenced, calculate (and cache?) a new value of __path__ to actually search?
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