At 02:02 PM 8/11/2011 -0400, Glyph Lefkowitz wrote:
Rather than a one-by-one ad-hoc consideration of which attribute should be set to None or empty strings or "<string>" or what have you, I'd really like to see a discussion in the PEP saying what a package really is vs. what a module is, and what one can reasonably expect from it from an API and tooling perspective.

The assumption I've been working from is the only guarantee I've ever seen the Python docs give: i.e., that a package is a module object with a __path__ attribute. Modules aren't even required to have a __file__ object -- builtin modules don't, for example. (And the contents of __file__ are not required to have any particular semantics: PEP 302 notes that it can be a dummy value like "<frozen>", for example.)

Technically, btw, PEP 302 requires __file__ to be a string, so making __file__ = None will be a backwards-incompatible change. But any code that walks modules in sys.modules is going to break today if it expects a __file__ attribute to exist, because 'sys' itself doesn't have one!

So, my leaning is towards leaving off __file__, since today's code already has to deal with it being nonexistent, if it's working with arbitrary modules, and that'll produce breakage sooner rather than later -- the twisted.python.modules code, for example, would fail with a loud AttributeError, rather than going on to silently assume that a module with a dummy __file__ isn't a package. (Which is NOT a valid assumption *now*, btw, as I'll explain below.)

Anyway, if you have any suggestions for verbiage that should be added to the PEP to clarify these assumptions, I'd be happy to add them. However, I think that the real problem you're encountering at the moment has more to do with making assumptions about the Python import ecosystem that aren't valid today, and haven't been valid since at least the introduction of PEP 302, if not earlier import hook systems as well.

But the whole "pure virtual" mechanism here seems to pile even more inconsistency on top of an already irritatingly inconsistent import mechanism. I was reasonably happy with my attempt to paper over PEP 302's weirdnesses from a user perspective:


(or <> if you are not a Twisted user)

Users of this API can traverse the module hierarchy with certain expectations; each module or package would have .pathEntry and .filePath attributes, each of which would refer to the appropriate place. Of course __path__ complicates things a bit, but so it goes.

I don't mean to be critical, and no doubt what you've written works fine for your current requirements, but on my quick attempt to skim through the code I found many things which appear to me to be incompatible with PEP 302.

That is, the above code hardocdes a variety of assumptions about the import system that haven't been true since Python 2.3. (For example, it assumes that the contents of sys.path strings have inspectable semantics, that the contents of __file__ can tell you things about the module-ness or package-ness of a module object, etc.)

If you want to fully support PEP 302, you might want to consider making this a wrapper over the corresponding pkgutil APIs (available since Python 2.5) that do roughly the same things, but which delegate all path string inspection to importer objects and allow extensible delegation for importers that don't support the optional methods involved.

(Of course, if the pkgutil APIs are missing something you need, perhaps you could propose additions.)

Now it seems like pure virtual packages are going to introduce a new type of special case into the hierarchy which have neither .pathEntry nor .filePath objects.

The problem is that your API's notion that these things exist as coherent concepts was never really a valid assumption in the first place. .pth files and namespace packages already meant that the idea of a package coming from a single path entry made no sense. And namespace packages installed by setuptools' system packaging mode *don't have a __file__ attribute* today... heck they don't have __init__ modules, either.

So, adding virtual packages isn't actually going to change anything, except perhaps by making these scenarios more common.

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