On 1/1/2012 12:28 PM, Christian Heimes wrote:
Am 01.01.2012 17:54, schrieb Antoine Pitrou:
I don't understand. FNV-1 multiplies the current running result with a
prime and then xors it with the following byte. This is also what we do.
(I'm assuming 1000003 is prime)

There must be a major difference somewhere inside the algorithm. The
talk at the CCC conference in Berlin mentions that Ruby 1.9 is not
vulnerable to meet-in-the-middle attacks and Ruby 1.9 uses FNV. The C
code of FNV is more complex than our code, too.

I understood Alexander Klink and Julian Wälde, hash...@alech.de, as saying that they consider that using a random non-zero start value is sufficient to make the hash non-vulnerable.

Terry Jan Reedy

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