I just wanted to quickly thank everyone for the work they put into this
project. I realize most of us either get only a little bit of paid time to
work on Python or none at all, so contributing easily ends up using
personal time which I know is a precious thing. So thank you for caring
enough about this project to put in your valuable time and effort while
trying to keep it enjoyable for everyone else.

As we go into 2016, I hope to do my part to indirectly thank everyone by
making our developer workflow easier to work with so that not only the
lives of the core developers become easier but we once again become a
project that is viewed as welcoming to outside contribution (instead of our
current reputation as having patches sit in the issue tracker, languishing;
join core-workflow if you want to help out with that). I also hope to see
zipimport rewritten -- either by someone else or me if necessary -- so that
my importlib.resources idea can land in time for Python 3.6 (join the
import-sig if that interests you). Otherwise I plan to keep promoting
Python 3 as we get ever closer to 2020. :)
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