On Mon, 18 Jan 2016 at 00:59 Larry Hastings <la...@hastings.org> wrote:

> On 01/17/2016 11:10 AM, Brett Cannon wrote:
> Anyone object if I update PEP 7 to remove the optionality of curly braces
> in PEP 7?
> I'm -1.  I don't like being forced to add the curly braces when the code
> is perfectly clear without them.

I'm going to assume you mean it is clearer without them, else I don't hear
an argument against beyond "I don't wanna".

For me, I don't see how::

  int x = do_something();
  if (x != 10)
    return NULL;

is any clearer or more readable than::

  int x = do_something();
  if (x != 10) {
    return NULL;

> If this was a frequent problem then I'd put up with it, but I can't recall
> ever making this particular mistake myself or seeing it in CPython source.
> It seems to me like a fix for a problem we don't have.

I personally have come close to screwing up like this, but I caught it
before I put up a patch.

I honestly also prefer the consistency of just always using braces rather
than the sometimes rule we have. It isn't like C is a pretty, safe language
to begin with, so I would rather be consistent and avoid potential errors.
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