Hi everyone,

https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/RemovePythonMockUsage has been
approved, so Michel and I will be working on identifying packages that
still depend on python3-mock. python3-mock has been deprecated for 6
releases in favor of unittest.mock from the Python standard library, and
we would like to finally retire the package. We will help with PRs, but
we would also appreciate help from packagers to fix their own packages.
provides guidance on how to accomplish that. Please reach out to us or
pop into https://matrix.to/#/#python:fedoraproject.org if you have any

Here is a list of packages that currently depend on python3-mock at
runtime and/or buildtime:

Maintainers by package:
ansible-collection-community-libvirt gotmax23 pghmcfc
ansible-collection-kubernetes-core gotmax23 kevin
autojump             codeblock orion salimma ttomecek
compose-utils        carlwgeorge lsedlar
enki                 raphgro
fedmsg               kevin
fedscm-admin         cqi ignatenkobrain limb mohanboddu mprahl tibbs
gtimelog             amigadave
libabigail           dodji mcermak sinnykumari
limnoria             kevin
litecli              fab
nest                 ankursinha
obs-service-tar_scm  defolos ngompa
odcs                 cqi hlin lsedlar qwan
oraculum             frantisekz lbrabec
pdc-client           kevin lholecek lsedlar nphilipp
pungi                dmach hlin lsedlar maxamillion onosek tdawson wwoods
pychess              bruno dcavalca
pycolumnize          fab kushal
pyee                 pbrobinson
pyosmium             tomh
pytest               churchyard mrunge radez thm
python-agate         jujens
python-aiounifi      fab
python-ansible-runner radez
python-apprise       lead2gold
python-arrow         pingou
python-bashate       apevec mikelo2
python-billiard      fab frantisekz mrunge ngompa pingou pjp
python-bitmath       tbielawa
python-bluepyopt     ankursinha
python-boto          apevec gholms limb
python-catkin_tools  ankursinha cottsay rmattes
python-check-manifest fab
python-codecov       dcavalca
python-collectd_cvmfs stevetraylen
python-collectd_systemd stevetraylen
python-cotyledon     jcapitao
python-croniter      jcapitao totol
python-datadog       dminer
python-debianbts     huzaifas
python-dictdiffer    jmontleon
python-diff-cover    aekoroglu dshea
python-django-filter aekoroglu lbazan
python-docker-squash goldmann
python-doit          jamatos
python-dtfabric      fab
python-elastic-transport aekoroglu
python-elasticsearch aekoroglu piotrp stevetraylen
python-enrich        chedi
python-etcd          neil
python-eyed3         amigadave cicku pjp
python-f5-icontrol-rest xavierb
python-f5-sdk        xavierb
python-fastpurge     rohanpm
python-fedmsg-meta-fedora-infrastructure kevin
python-firehose      athoscr dmalcolm
python-flake8-polyfill cottsay
python-gabbi         apevec chandankumar
python-gevent-eventemitter atim
python-google-auth-oauthlib fab
python-graphviz      eclipseo mairacanal
python-http-ece      limb
python-httpretty     jpopelka
python-hupper        kevin
python-ifcfg         cottsay
python-ipmi          lbazan
python-jenkins       cottsay
python-keystoneclient jcapitao
python-klusta        ankursinha
python-kubernetes    amoralej jmontleon
python-libarchive-c  zbyszek
python-lunr          smani
python-magnumclient  apevec chandankumar
python-moksha-common lbalhar
python-moksha-hub    gui1ty
python-music21       zbyszek
python-mwclient      adamwill rdieter
python-network-runner radez
python-nuheat        fab
python-octaviaclient cgoncalves
python-opnsense      fab
python-osc-lib       amoralej apevec hguemar jpena jruzicka
python-oslo-log      apevec hguemar
python-pelican       mrunge
python-persist-queue eharney
python-pip           churchyard ksurma torsava ttorling
python-praw          fab fale
python-prawcore      fab
python-promise       fab
python-pyarlo        fab
python-pymochad      fab
python-pynn          ankursinha
python-pysb          zbyszek
python-pytest-services ngompa salimma
python-pytest-shutil kevin
python-pytest-spec   fab
python-ratelimitingfilter mfabik mkutlak msuchy
python-rows          fab
python-shade         larsks
python-simplebayes   qulogic
python-slacker       fab
python-sphinx-intl   jujens
python-sqlalchemy-collectd mbayer mrunge
python-sseclient     fab
python-statsd        tdecacqu
python-steam         atim
python-sure          music
python-tackerclient  amoralej
python-tinyrpc       amoralej jpena
python-twilio        edward-evans-aiven elisre italomga nickfarrell pwouters 
rominf rommell
python-twitter       spot
python-urwidtrees    ttomecek
python-vdf           atim
python-vine          frantisekz mrunge ngompa pingou
python-virtualbmc    jorti
python-vsts-cd-manager mhayden
python-waterfurnace  fab
python-whisper       jonathanspw jsteffan piotrp
python-xvfbwrapper   mrunge totol
python-zaqarclient   flaper87 hguemar jruzicka
python-zdaemon       fab
resultsdb_conventions adamwill
rpkg-util            praiskup
sshuttle             kevin maci
transifex-client     blackfile echevemaster lbazan
transtats-cli        pnemade suanand
ursa-major           cqi julian8628
vex                  lbalhar
wad                  fab
wfuzz                fab

Packages by maintainer:
adamwill   python-mwclient resultsdb_conventions
aekoroglu  python-diff-cover python-django-filter python-elastic-transport 
amigadave  gtimelog python-eyed3
amoralej   python-kubernetes python-osc-lib python-tackerclient python-tinyrpc
ankursinha nest python-bluepyopt python-catkin_tools python-klusta python-pynn
apevec     python-bashate python-boto python-gabbi python-magnumclient 
python-osc-lib python-oslo-log
athoscr    python-firehose
atim       python-gevent-eventemitter python-steam python-vdf
blackfile  transifex-client
bruno      pychess
carlwgeorge compose-utils
cgoncalves python-octaviaclient
chandankumar python-gabbi python-magnumclient
chedi      python-enrich
churchyard pytest python-pip
cicku      python-eyed3
codeblock  autojump
cottsay    python-catkin_tools python-flake8-polyfill python-ifcfg 
cqi        fedscm-admin odcs ursa-major
dcavalca   pychess python-codecov
defolos    obs-service-tar_scm
dmach      pungi
dmalcolm   python-firehose
dminer     python-datadog
dodji      libabigail
dshea      python-diff-cover
echevemaster transifex-client
eclipseo   python-graphviz
edward-evans-aiven python-twilio
eharney    python-persist-queue
elisre     python-twilio
fab        litecli pycolumnize python-aiounifi python-billiard 
python-check-manifest python-dtfabric python-google-auth-oauthlib python-nuheat 
python-opnsense python-praw python-prawcore python-promise python-pyarlo 
python-pymochad python-pytest-spec python-rows python-slacker python-sseclient 
python-waterfurnace python-zdaemon wad wfuzz
fale       python-praw
flaper87   python-zaqarclient
frantisekz oraculum python-billiard python-vine
gholms     python-boto
goldmann   python-docker-squash
gotmax23   ansible-collection-community-libvirt 
gui1ty     python-moksha-hub
hguemar    python-osc-lib python-oslo-log python-zaqarclient
hlin       odcs pungi
huzaifas   python-debianbts
ignatenkobrain fedscm-admin
italomga   python-twilio
jamatos    python-doit
jcapitao   python-cotyledon python-croniter python-keystoneclient
jmontleon  python-dictdiffer python-kubernetes
jonathanspw python-whisper
jorti      python-virtualbmc
jpena      python-osc-lib python-tinyrpc
jpopelka   python-httpretty
jruzicka   python-osc-lib python-zaqarclient
jsteffan   python-whisper
jujens     python-agate python-sphinx-intl
julian8628 ursa-major
kevin      ansible-collection-kubernetes-core fedmsg limnoria pdc-client 
python-fedmsg-meta-fedora-infrastructure python-hupper python-pytest-shutil 
ksurma     python-pip
kushal     pycolumnize
larsks     python-shade
lbalhar    python-moksha-common vex
lbazan     python-django-filter python-ipmi transifex-client
lbrabec    oraculum
lead2gold  python-apprise
lholecek   pdc-client
limb       fedscm-admin python-boto python-http-ece
lsedlar    compose-utils odcs pdc-client pungi
maci       sshuttle
mairacanal python-graphviz
maxamillion pungi
mbayer     python-sqlalchemy-collectd
mcermak    libabigail
mfabik     python-ratelimitingfilter
mhayden    python-vsts-cd-manager
mikelo2    python-bashate
mkutlak    python-ratelimitingfilter
mohanboddu fedscm-admin
mprahl     fedscm-admin
mrunge     pytest python-billiard python-pelican python-sqlalchemy-collectd 
python-vine python-xvfbwrapper
msuchy     python-ratelimitingfilter
music      python-sure
neil       python-etcd
ngompa     obs-service-tar_scm python-billiard python-pytest-services 
nickfarrell python-twilio
nphilipp   pdc-client
onosek     pungi
orion      autojump
pbrobinson pyee
pghmcfc    ansible-collection-community-libvirt
pingou     python-arrow python-billiard python-vine
piotrp     python-elasticsearch python-whisper
pjp        python-billiard python-eyed3
pnemade    transtats-cli
praiskup   rpkg-util
pwouters   python-twilio
qulogic    python-simplebayes
qwan       odcs
radez      pytest python-ansible-runner python-network-runner
raphgro    enki
rdieter    python-mwclient
rmattes    python-catkin_tools
rohanpm    python-fastpurge
rominf     python-twilio
rommell    python-twilio
salimma    autojump python-pytest-services
sinnykumari libabigail
smani      python-lunr
spot       python-twitter
stevetraylen python-collectd_cvmfs python-collectd_systemd python-elasticsearch
suanand    transtats-cli
tbielawa   python-bitmath
tdawson    pungi
tdecacqu   python-statsd
thm        pytest
tibbs      fedscm-admin
tomh       pyosmium
torsava    python-pip
totol      python-croniter python-xvfbwrapper
ttomecek   autojump python-urwidtrees
ttorling   python-pip
wwoods     pungi
xavierb    python-f5-icontrol-rest python-f5-sdk
zbyszek    python-libarchive-c python-music21 python-pysb


Maxwell G (@gotmax23)
Pronouns: He/They
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