Paul Boddie wrote:
> Well, if the client is free not to bother signalling anything about
> erroneous value types, one has to wonder why there's so much of a
> specification.

If you read it, I think you'll notice that the committee has
managed to produce a lot of text without spending too much
ink on error handling. I'm not completely up to date with
the latest standards, but last time I looked, a lot of things
that are essential parts of all serious implementations were
missing from the standards.

I'm pretty certain it would overwhelm the SQL standards committee
if they had to specify how error conditions are handled.

It would certainly be useful though. E.g. is PostgreSQL SQL
compliant in forcing a rollback as soon as an operation
fails. E.g. in Oracle, you can have a transaction with a
loop where you try to insert values, and fall back to updating
instead if you get a duplicate key on insert error. In PostgreSQL
you need to set a savepoint before the the insert and rollback
to that. Does the standard say whether this is kosher? I think

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