Fuzzyman wrote:
> I assume you have the same problem with the Italian one?

Not so much because the official language of Pycon Uno Italy is Italian 
so I don't feel too concerned (unfortunately my Italian is not quite 
good enough).

> Seriously though, it is *great* to see the UK Python scene flourishing
> (and the Italian one). The more events that happen the better, and I
> don't think they need be in competition with each other... I *hope*
> the Europython guys don't see it like that.

I agree it is great to see the Python scene grow (everywhere). The AFPY 
is organizing "journees python francophones" early June too cf. 

I have only been to one conference before so I may be under the wrong 
impressions but I don't see how the three events won't be competing for 
Ri (as in Shu Ha Ri) speakers for example. Do I sound like a groupie?

Alex Martelli, brilliant speaker and Python evangelist (in my Shu Ha 
eyes anyway), lives in the States and is Italian. Busy as you'd expect 
from  someone working for Google, decides to make the trip to Europe for 
a Python related conference, henceforth spends 3 1/2 months in Europe so 
he can do Italy in June (he is listed as an organizer), Lithuania in 
July and UK in September...

I don't know how the EuroPython guys see it.


EuGeNe -- http://www.3kwa.com

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