En Sat, 19 Jan 2008 21:19:24 -0200, Wolfgang Draxinger  
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribi�:

> I'm thinking about writing a script to upload videos to sites
> like YouTube or Google Video, which is usually done by a HTTP
> The problem is, that videos, by nature are rather big files,
> however urllib2 wants it's Request objects being prepared
> beforehand, which would mean to first load the whole file to
> memory.
> I looked into pycURL, knowing that cURL can POST send files
> directily from the file system, however pycURL doesn't expose
> the neccesary functions yet.
> Am I just blind for some urllib2/httplib feature, or some other
> library? Or do I really have to fiddle around with sockets
> myself (I hope not...).

I'm afraid urllib2 currently doesn't handle this. Neither the lower layer,  
httplib. HTTPConnection should be upgraded to handle 'Transfer-Encoding:  
chunked', by example. (Chunked responses are handled correctly, but a  
request cannot be chunked)

A Q&D approach would be to patch httplib.HTTPConnection.send, to accept a  
file or file-like argument. Around line 707, instead of  

             if hasattr(str, 'read'):
                 BUFSIZE = 4*1024
                 while True:
                     block = str.read(BUFSIZE)
                     if not block: break
and ensure the Content-Length header is already set, so no attempt is made  
to compute len(str)

Gabriel Genellina


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