icarus wrote:
Oh ok. Thanks. In windows xp I just renamed the file extension to .pyw
That did it.

one more question...

how do I create a pythonw standalone executable that works on w32,
linux, mac, etc..?

My intent is to have the process transparent to the user. He wouldn't
even know the app was written in python. All he knows that when he
double-clicks on it, the application pops up without the DOS black
screen in the background (for w32 users.)

On Sep 9, 10:49 am, "Chris Rebert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
You need to have the script be run by pythonw.exe as opposed to python.exe
pythonw.exe suppresses the DOS box from coming up and should be used
for running GUI applications such as yours.


On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 1:33 PM, icarus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
platform: windows xp professional, python 2.5, wxpython
When I double-check on my program file test.py (for simplicity I'll be
using this code below), I see the window just fine.  But the ms-dos
black window pops up in the background. On Linux, no issues at all.
How can I get rid of that ms-dos black window in the background?
something I need to add to my code? a setting to adjust in windows?
thanks in advance.
import wx
appwx = wx.App()
frame = wx.Frame(None, -1, 'test.py')
Follow the path of the Iguana...http://rebertia.com

On Windows use py2exe and Inno Setup to create "frozen" application that is easy to distribute. On Mac/Linux there are other solutions.


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