On 05:48 am, wlfr...@ix.netcom.com wrote:
On Fri, 02 Oct 2009 01:33:18 -0000, exar...@twistedmatrix.com declaimed
the following in gmane.comp.python.general:
There's no need to use threads for this.  Have a look at Twisted:


Strange... While I can easily visualize how to convert the problem
to a task pool -- especially given that code to do a single occurrence
is already in place...

... conversion to an event-dispatch based system is something /I/
can not imagine...

The cool thing is that there's not much conversion to do from the single request version to the multiple request version, if you're using Twisted. The single request version looks like this:


And the multiple request version looks like this:


Since the APIs don't block, doing things concurrently ends up being the easy thing.

Not to say it isn't a bit of a challenge to get into this mindset, but I think anyone who wants to put a bit of effort into it can manage. :) Getting used to using Deferreds in the first place (necessary to write/use even the single request version) is probably where more people have trouble.


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