I'm happy to announce the release of pyOpenSSL 0.10.

pyOpenSSL 0.10 exposes several more OpenSSL APIs, including support for running TLS connections over in-memory BIOs, access to the OpenSSL random number generator, the ability to pass subject and issuer parameters when creating an X509Extension instance, more control over PKCS12 creation and an API for exporting PKCS12 objects, and APIs for controlling the client CA list servers send to clients.

Several bugs have also been fixed, including a crash when certain X509Extension instances are deallocated, a mis-handling of the OpenSSL error queue in the X509Name implementation, Windows build issues, and a possible double free when using a debug build.

The style of the docstrings for APIs implemented in C has also been changed throughout the project to be more useful to Python programmers. Extension type objects can also now be used to instantiate those types.

Many thanks to numerous people who contributed patches to this release.

You can find pyOpenSSL 0.10 on the Python Package Index:


You can now also find the pyOpenSSL documentation there:


As part of the ongoing transition away from SourceForge, I won't be uploading the release or the documentation to SourceForge. Please continue to use the pyOpenSSL Launchpad page for bug reports:



Jean-Paul Calderone

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