On 2010-06-27 22:51:59 -0400, Carl Banks said:

On Jun 27, 3:20 pm, Roy Smith <r...@panix.com> wrote:
In article
 Carl Banks <pavlovevide...@gmail.com> wrote:

Seriously, almost every other kind of library uses a binary API. What
makes databases so special that they need a string-command based API?
How about this instead (where this a direct binary interface to the

results = rdb_query(table = model,
                    columns = [model.name, model.number])

results = rdb_inner_join(tables = [records,tags],
                         joins = [(records.id,tags.record_id)]),
                         columns = [record.name, tag.name])

Well, we know the real reason is that C, Java, and friends lack
expressiveness and so constructing a binary query is an ASCII
nightmare.  Still, it hasn't stopped binary APIs in other kinds of

Well, the answer to that one is simple.  SQL, in the hands of somebody
like me, can be used to express a few pathetic joins and what I do with
it could probably be handled with the kind of API you're describing.  
But, the language has far more expressivity than that, and a
domain-specific language is really a good fit for what it can do.

I'm not the biggest expert on SQL ever, but the only thing I can think
of is expressions.  Statements don't express anything very complex,
and could straightforwardly be represented by function calls.  But
it's a fair point.

Off the top of my head, I can think of a few things that would be tricky to turn into an API:

* Aggregation (GROUP BY, aggregate functions over arbitrary expressions, HAVING clauses).
* CASE expressions.
* Subqueries.
* Recursive queries (in DBMSes that support them).
* Window clauses (likewise).
* Set operations between queries (UNION, DIFFERENCE, INTERSECT).
* A surprisingly rich set of JOIN clauses beyond the obvious inner natural joins.
* Various DBMS-specific locking hints.
* Computed inserts and updates.
* Updates and deletes that include joins.
* RETURNING lists on modification queries.
* Explicit (DBMS-side) cursors.

This is by no means an exhaustive list.

Of course, it's possible to represent all of this via an API rather than a language, and libraries like SQLAlchemy make a reasonable attempt at doing just that. However, not every programming language has the kind of structural flexibility to do that well: a library similar to SQLalchemy would be incredibly clunky (if it worked at all) in, say, Java or C#, and it'd be nearly impossible to pull off in C. Even LDAP, which is defined more in terms of APIs than languages, forgoes trying to define a predicate API and uses a domain-specific filtering language instead.

There's certainly a useful subset of SQL that could be trivially replaced with an API. Simple by-the-numbers CRUD queries don't exercise much of SQL's power. In fact, we can do that already: any ORM can handle that level just fine.



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