On 1/10/2013 11:06 AM, Roy Smith wrote:

Well, this is fascinating.  It turns out that while all of our
machines report that they're running 2.7.3, they have two different
versions of /usr/lib/python2.7/logging/handlers.py!

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 45076 Aug  1 05:39 /usr/lib/python2.7/logging/handlers.py
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 45143 Apr 20  2012 /usr/lib/python2.7/logging/handlers.py

The April 24th version has the BOM code in SysLogHander.emit():

The 'BOM' you are discussing here is not a true 2 or 4 byte byte-order-mark, but the pseudo-BOM (pseudo because a stream of single bytes has no byte order within the single bytes) that Micro$tupid adds (sometimes) to utf-8 encoded bytes to mark their encoding as utf-8 rather than anything else. In otherwords, it is a non-(anti-)standard U(nicode)E(ncoding)M(ark). It is actually the utf-8 encoding of the 2-byte BOM, and hence not a single mark! It is really confusing when people use 'BOM' to refer to a UEM sequence instead of a BOM.

|         # Message is a string. Convert to bytes as required by RFC 5424
|        if type(msg) is unicode:
|            msg = msg.encode('utf-8')
|            if codecs:
|                msg = codecs.BOM_UTF8 + msg
|        msg = prio + msg

2.7.3 was released in April.

and the August 1st version doesn't:

|        # Message is a string. Convert to bytes as required by RFC 5424
|        if type(msg) is unicode:
|            msg = msg.encode('utf-8')
|        msg = prio + msg

The issue referenced in an earlier messaged was to remove the UEM where it did not belong.

Is it possible there's two different 2.7.3 builds that somehow got
packaged by Ubuntu at different times?

As you discovered, Ubuntu sometimes updates a release with bug patches before we release a new official bugfix release. 2.7.4, with many bugfixes, is still to see the light of day.

The pattern of which machines
have the August code and which have the April code correlates with
when we rolled out each server instance.

Great detective work ;-).

Terry Jan Reedy


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