Kurt wrote:
> Spooky behavior. Yes, the green-apple-example also works for me with
> your new script, BUT ...!
> Try to copy the table content on this page:
> http://www.danacord.dk/frmsets/records/732-r.html
> which is a realistic scenario. That's whar I am doing these days.
> Pasting it into Gedit and running the snippet blanks the edit area (on
> MY Mac at least).
> And yes: I have pasted your code excatly and I've double-checked for
> linewraps. Everything is okay.

Chaouche replied:

Indeed, the console shows a traceback where data is misinterpreted,
maybe due to my triple protective quotes around $GEDIT_SELECTED_TEXT.
Try without them, like so (it worked for me) :

Yes!!! :-)

Of course it would be nice if the script could be developed to take into account some of the antics I have made in my tables over the years, but with this script the basic codes of rows and columns is formatted properly; refinements of some collapsed fields with with line breaks a.o. is up to me now ;-).

Thanks to you and others who have participated in this thread.
Venlig hilsen
Kurt Hansen

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