> On 1-7-2013 2:53:26 AM UTC-6, chaouche yacine wrote:
> Thanks for all your comments. It appears to me that there
> is a slight confusion between types and classes then, plus
> other entities (protocols ?)

The only "confusion" stems from improper terminology. "Class" is the worst 
possible word to describe: /"the code written by a programmer to define an 

This epidemic of transforming words improperly is not only a python problem (as 
you well know). I believe it is high time we stop designing languages by 
propagating foolish terminology simply because we have no will to break the 
"status quo". 

And everybody needs to help push this cause along by refusing to use the word 
"class" and only use the words "object definition". This is something we can 
all do WITHOUT modifying the python source. This is how you get the snowball 
rolling. However, if we do this for long enough, language designers will start 
to realize that "class" is NOT the proper terminology and MAYBE they will 
consider terminology a bit more. Well, a boy can dream...

We MUST separate the idea of: "an object that lives in memory" from the: "code 
that defines the object" AND we must do so by wielding intuitive terminology. 

"Just because person X decides to jump off a bridge, that action does not 
impose person Y to blindly follow"

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