Hi Joseph,
   Did you try scalene profiler?
   Recently I solved a similar problem and scalene really helped me.
   It creates a well-formed HTML report, and you can optionally
   enable/disable report about
   a code outside your project, for example - standard library.
   Here it is - [1]https://pypi.org/project/scalene/
   10.01.2022, 22:28, "Joseph L. Casale" <jcas...@activenetwerx.com>:

     I am trying to track down a slow script startup time. I have executed
     script using `python -m cProfile -o profile /path/script.py` and read
     the results, but the largest culprit only shows various built-ins.

     I expected this given the implementation, but I was hoping to get some
     finer details so I can track down the specific module or at least the
     file so I have a place to start reviewing code for optimizations.

     Is there something I can use to analyze the existing profile output or
     to generate
     it with more feedback?




   Visible links
   1. https://pypi.org/project/scalene/
   2. https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

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