On 25/10/2023 00:08, o1bigtenor via Python-list wrote:

> So how does one test software then?

Testing is very different to proving!
As an industry we do a lot of testing at many different levels.
On bigger projects you'll find:
- Unit tests - testing small fragments of a bigger program
- Integration tests - testing that sub modules of code work
  together (and code with hardware, if applicable)
- System testing - checking that the code(and hardware) as a
  whole does what it should based on the specs (often done
  by an independent team)
- Performance testing - checking the system runs as fast as it
  should, using only the memory it should, for as long as it should.
- User testing - Can a real user drive it?
- security testing - Does it stop the bad guys from messing it
  up or using it as a gateway?

And there are more levels if you are really keen.
Testing often(usually!) takes up more time than programming.
And there are many, many books written about how to do it.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:


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