Am 04.02.2012 02:38, schrieb Mark Hammond:
Not running the postinstall script just means that pywintypesxx.dll and
pythoncomxx.dll aren't in system32. Assuming you have control over the
environment this is running in, just ensuring those files are on the
PATH should be sufficient.

Yes, I have been running portable Python installations for years.
In the I'm just adding the required directories to the

import sys, os

# add DLL directories to path environment variable
path = original_path = os.environ["path"]

splitted = path.split(";")
splitted_l = path.lower().split(";")
dlls = os.path.join(sys.exec_prefix, "DLLs")
pythonwin = os.path.join(sys.exec_prefix, r"Lib\site-packages\pythonwin")
pythonwin_system32 = os.path.join(sys.exec_prefix, r"Lib\site-packages\pywin32_system32")

dlldirs = [sys.exec_prefix, dlls, pythonwin, pythonwin_system32]

for dlldir in dlldirs:
    if dlldir.lower() in splitted_l: continue
    path = path+";"+dlldir

if path!=original_path:
    os.environ["path"] = path

del dlls, dlldir, dlldirs, pythonwin, pythonwin_system32



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