
I've got Python 2.7.10 64-Bit installed, via the Anaconda installer

The path clearly shows C:\Anaconda in the path. Typing python by
itself brings up
the python REPL as expected.

Running this simplified program easily illustrates the problem I'm seeing
in another, larger Python program.


Running that script as:
python cmdline.py 1 2 3
shows the expected output -> Cmd line args: ['cmdline.py', '1', '2', '3']

Running that script as -> cmdline.py 1 2 3
shows this output ->Cmd line args:

Searching for help yielded these,

I found that assoc .py
showed this ->File type 'Python.File' not found or no open command
associated with it

ftype Python.file
shows python.file="c:\Anaconda\python.exe" "%1" %*

So, I've added this association for .py files
assoc .py=Python.file

and rebooted

assoc .py
now shows .py=Python.file

However, arguments are still not being correctly passed to Python files.

I am stumped by this issue, as it has never been a problem for me in
the ~10 years that I've been using Python n Windows.
I am working at a new job where all development systems use Windows 7
64-Bit. The systems at my previous place of employment used Windows 7
but I wouldn't expect this kind of problem from moving to a 64-But OS.

I would appreciate some help understanding and fixing this issue,

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