Dear users,

Hope you are well and safe and enjoying the summer wherever you are.

I have 2 questions and I would highly appreciate it if someone  can answer

1- The Pywin32 seems to indicate 2 things, a Python IDE and it is also an
extension to be added to Python using pip install pywin32 for instance
right?  Please kindly let me know if my understanding is correct.

2- I am using OpenOPC to read values from an OPC server under the following
- Windows 10 - 64 - bits
- Python 3.7 64 - bits
- PyCharm
- Graybox OPC DA Auto Wrapper x64
- Pyro 4
- Pywin32 installed via PyCharm
- Matrikon OPC

and I can connect to the Matrikon OPC DA server and browse the tags, but
when I  try to read a tag ( *['Random.Int1']*)) the execution gets
terminated with the error: *"Process finished with exit code -1073741819

However, running exactly the same settings under Windows 7, no issues
happened and all went well.
Have anyone encountered such issues?

Should I install Pywin32  separately in the Windows 10 system, or install
it via Pycharm or via pip install pywin32 as I did?
Or how can I make it work, meaning: reading tags' values from an OPC server
using Python 3.7 64-bit under Windows 10 64-bit!

Kind regards,

Fadi Ibrahim, Ph.D. P.Eng.
Research Associate
University of Alberta/Process Control Group
python-win32 mailing list

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