a co urlparse?

In Perl you shoot yourself in the foot, but nobody can understand how you
did it. Six months later, neither can you. | print 'aknerats'[::-1]

2018-04-10 13:41 GMT+02:00 <azu...@pobox.sk>:

> Ja by som najskor zozbieral vsetky parametre do pola a potom tesne pred
> odoslanim hlaviciek:
> if redirect_parameters:
>  reload_redirect['Location'] += "?%s" % "&".join(redirect_parameters)
> Citát Petr Messner <petr.mess...@gmail.com>:
> Nevim, neznam, asi uz ani nejsem webovy vyvojar :D
>> Navrhuju to schovat do funkce:
>> reload_redirect['Location'] = append_redirect_param(
>> reload_redirect['Location'], 'param=1')
>> def append_redirect_param(...):
>>     ....
>> Petr M.
>> 2018-04-10 13:09 GMT+02:00 Vláďa Macek <ma...@sandbox.cz>:
>> Zdar,
>>> vyhlasuju soutez o nejhezci alternativu pro toto:
>>> reload_redirect['Location'] += '#param=1'.replace('#', '&' if '?' in
>>> reload_redirect['Location'] else '?')
>>> Webovi vyvojari jiste zalezitost znaji.
>>> Tesim se ;-)
>>> Vlada
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