Have you tried using MScriptUtil.<http://download.autodesk.com/us/maya/2010help/API/class_m_script_util.html#891ecce0036c4ca210c39b27b1ead805>asDouble3Ptr ?

From the docs:
Utility class for working with pointers and references.

Utility class for working with pointers to basic types such as int, float and arrays of these types. Class is more applicable for script programming rather than C++. C++ pointers and references have no equivalent in script so this class provides utility methods for working with these type of parameters and return values.

References are treated as pointers in script. This class allows creating data and then acquiring a pointer to the data so that information can be passed to class methods requiring references.

Common scenarios:

* A reference to an integer is required for a parameter: create the <http://download.autodesk.com/us/maya/2010help/API/class_m_script_util.html>MScriptUtil object with the integer create() method, acquire a pointer using <http://download.autodesk.com/us/maya/2010help/API/class_m_script_util.html#d9ea6a06354c1e489730649a2d9bf1ed>asIntPtr(), pass that pointer to the method requiring the reference, create another <http://download.autodesk.com/us/maya/2010help/API/class_m_script_util.html>MScriptUtil object using the int pointer that was returned, query the integer return value using <http://download.autodesk.com/us/maya/2010help/API/class_m_script_util.html#e42e1236dd42fccf9f98516deebcbe24>asInt(). * A pointer to a list of floats are required for a parameter: create the <http://download.autodesk.com/us/maya/2010help/API/class_m_script_util.html>MScriptUtil object with createFromList(), call asFloatPointer() and pass that to the method. * Several static methods are available for converting python lists to matrices and integer/float arrays.

This class is cumbersome to use but it provides a way of building parameters and accessing return values for methods which would normally not be scriptable.

At 05:44 AM 1/22/2011, you wrote:
i would love to get the worldspace scales but can get the getScale
arguments right. What did you use?
I end up with

tMatrix.getScale(ptr, om.MSpace.kWorld)
# Error: line 1: in method 'MTransformationMatrix_getScale', argument
2 of type 'double [3]'
# Traceback (most recent call last):
#   File "<maya console>", line 1, in <module>
# TypeError: in method 'MTransformationMatrix_getScale', argument 2 of
type 'double [3]' #

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Jan Berger
j...@janberger.de :: www.janberger.de

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