You can match transformations with different rotation orders,
because internally the rotation order is irrelevant, it is only used
when calculating the input and the output ( given it is rotation ).
Internally the 4x4 matrix is just a bunch of vectors, that dont
know anything about rotation orders and how many times they spun around.
So I am not sure if the classic way will get you what you are looking for.


t <> hat am 21. März 2011 um 03:04 geschrieben:

> OK! Due to further research, it seems that matching rotations of
> different rotation orders is a mathmatical imposibility;
> So, the question now is;
> What would be the scripted plugin code to do 'relative' additive
> rotations on one transform from the rotation values of nodes in a
> hierarchy?
> I'd like to use this class that supports rotations past 360 degrees
> using "MTransformationMatrix::rotateBy"
> Thanks!
> --


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