Hi everyone,

I have 2 list items which contains the same amount of items, and I am 
trying to check the order of one list to another.

# This is derived from maya.cmds
list01 = ['cleve', 'adam', 'yuno', 'pete'] 

# This is derived from dictionary keys in a way it is capturing the same 
info from the scene but derived very differently
list02 = ['pete', 'yuno', 'cleve', 'adam'] 

I am unable to use `list01 = list02` or something similar, because both 
lists are called from different applications and hence this question of 
And the reason I had wanted to the order to be the same is so that the 
application that uses `list02` will populate in the same hierarchical 
manner as in `list01` (outliner).

And neither would I want to/ can use `sorted` as this will mess up my 
order. What is the best way to go about this?

P.S: Sorry in advance if this sounds like a very noob question...

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