Howdy, I created this auto-riggerfor my students that has features that I 
find vanilla maya lacks and published it on github as open-source. It is 
easy to install, it is just one py file that can be started via the plug-in 
manager. I thought it may be interesting to some of you, so here you go:

Here are some features:
- Biped template ( Unity and Unreal compatible )
- HumanIK inegration
- Skinning IO
- Very nice Smooth Weights Tool ; )
- Picker UI
- Rig, Pose, Animation IO
- Transform tools ( mirroring, matching et al )

Overall the rigging features may seem limited for the Biped, because they 
are ; ) but keep in mind it is for students, especially game design 
students. For more advanced stuff. there is a procedural build system for a 
data-cantric workflow integrated, but I guess I need to write some 
documentation before anybody but me can use it.  

Please let me know if you have any questions! 
Jan Berger

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