Ronald Oussoren <> wrote:

> > Most of *my* wxPython-based (actually dabo-based) tools don't even
> > need to be an app bundle - doubleclicking some .py file is mostly
> > enough. But I wouldn't like to loose some GUI functionality.
> IMHO running the script shouldn't be the default action for .py files,
> ever. I have two reason's for that: (1) most .py files I run into are
> just source code instead of scripts and shouldn't be executed but
> opened in an editor, and (2) this makes it way to easy to accidently
> execute a random python script that you've downloaded from the
> internet.

Yes, I agree.

> I'm seriously wondering if having "Python" is a good
> idea, and if we shouldn't scrap it entirely. If building full app
> bundles using py2app is too much of a burden we could look into
> providing an easier and more lightweight way to build such bundles.
> The fully standalone bundles that py2app creates are very useful, but
> I definitely see the need for very thin .app bundles as well.

Interesting idea.  What's the lightest thing that's an app, anyway?

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