Kevin Walzer <> wrote:

> My strong preference is to keep my Python toolchain reasonably close
> to what I'm doing already, i.e. doing my development outside of Xcode
> and using py2app for bundling, rather than using Xcode.

I found crossing this bridge a bit tricky, until I embraced Xcode.
Start a Python-Cocoa project with Xcode.  Look at the framework it
builds for you.  Go on and edit your app delegate, not necessarily using
Xcode.  Hit the "Build and Run" button in Xcode.  See what happens.

After you've successfully built a couple of Python apps this way, you'll
be better prepared to get into the whole py2app thing.  The major
problem there is that the folks who build and maintain it are
overworked, and have little to no time to update documentation.  So
there are lots of out-of-date documentation pages and examples, which
will mislead you mightily unless you have some other grounding to fall
back on to see if they make sense.

Even then, I have to admit I still don't know how to build a
PreferencePane from scratch.  I've got one working, but I had to take
the example, and hack it into shape.

Oh, and read Will Larson's series:

all the way through.

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