Ronald Oussoren <> wrote:

> On 21 Jun, 2010, at 21:17, Bill Janssen wrote:
> > I just noticed that the list of "stable" Python buildbots don't include
> > any OS X buildbots.  From the web page, the definition of "stable" is
> > this:
> > 
> > ``The stable versions are the primary platforms that should always have
> > all tests passing.''
> > 
> > Don't we want OS X in that set of platforms?
> Yes, but as you know we didn't even have OSX buildbots until recently. 
> BTW. I have no idea how a buildbot can be added to the stable set.

I guess Dave Bolen and I have taken the first step: set up some OS X
buildbots.  I'd be happy to maintain an Intel buildbot in the PARC
server room if we can scrape up a donation of such a machine.  Doesn't
have to be new...

The next step is to turn those buildbots green.  After they're green, we
can propose them for addition to the stable set.  So, something the Mac
SIG could do to help is to take a look at the buildbot output, and
figure out why they're red, and not green.

Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -

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