Charles Hartman <> wrote:

> it would seem to be short-sighted for anyone interested in Python on
> the Mac not to support py2app as fully as possible.

You calling me short-sighted, Charles?

That's OK -- it's true, you know; I've been wearing thick glasses since
I was a kid :-).  But I don't know that it has much to do with py2app.
I think py2app is great, and I believe I even used it, once -- wanted to
make a Preference Pane with Python, and couldn't figure out how to do it

But in general I've not needed it -- I just use Xcode and the system
Python, and there's no need to bundle another Python with that approach.
I should probably figure out how to use py2app with that approach,
though; it might be more bullet-proof.

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