Hi, Steve:

I'm definitely in agreement with you about CORBA/SOAP. I'ma huge fan of MOM solutions as opposed to SOAP and such. HTTP tends to have some benefits when interacting with services over the internet ( B2B ), but that is really just because nobody has proposed a good MOM-over-HTTP spec that everyone can agree on yet.

The big decision, of course, is whether to define an API in terms of essentially function calls (like IDL ) or 'messages' -- which an have an arbitrary structure, but are basically transport independent. Though I find MOM architectures are more scalable and flexible, they tend to be overkill when most of the system will be running in-process anyway, which seems likely in this situation.

One other thought to throw out in this topic is the 'analysis paralysis' issue. Though it would be good to build on the work of others, and to be consistent with existing specs in order to ensure widest adoption, sometimes a spec that's actually implemented but less than ideal is the best choice.

As I see the issues discussed, I'm thinking more and more that it be best to just make some reasonable decisions on how the API works and go with it. Perhaps this could be loosely based on the OMG spec to start with, but I don't think its likely much will be gained by sticking to it. PythonOCC is strong, and AFAIK is the most advanced of all the open source kernels. Sticking with a CORBA- based API will likely limit the flexibility that a pure python based library could offer. I don't think it is necessary to be able to interoperate with other companies or systems to be successful. There is a good chance that the mainsteam modelling kernels will not publish an API that conforms to a standard interface anyway, they will want a proprietary API to lock in their customers.

My gut feeling says the best approach is to look at the OMG spec to understand the issues and learn about the problem domain, then design an API that works well with pythonOCC and move on it, not worrying from that point whether it is OMG compatible or not.

On Dec 12, 2010 6:47pm, Stephen Waterbury <water...@pangalactic.us> wrote:
On 12/12/2010 04:44 PM, Thomas Paviot wrote:

Dear Steve,

The OMG CAD Services (OCS) specs are still freely available from the OMG

website (the latest release is 1.2 : http://www.omg.org/spec/CAD/).

Thanks, I just removed the 1.1 doc from my site! (I had a local

copy and hadn't bothered to check whether OMG still had an

accessible version of the spec.)

I agree

with you about the fact that the OCS is a good starting point. I briefly

studied the OCS some months ago, and have a few notes I'd like to discuss with


* from a technical viewpoint, the CORBA technology is perfectly suitable

for synchronous sharing of business objects through a network. In my

opinion, an asynchronous collaboration should be enough (regarding the

business needs related to usual CAD workflows) and Web Services (WSDL,

SOAP etc.) might just be perfect;

I find CORBA a bit "heavy" compared to some more recently

introduced technologies, and nowadays I don't think of OMG specs

as implying CORBA implementation, albeit they are still defined

using IDL (which I kind of like). I must also confess an

aversion to SOAP/WSDL -- yes, they work, but they are (IMO) also

rather clumsy to develop with. Apologies for being so judgmental

about those -- I'm sure they will work fine for any developer who

is more comfortable with them than I am. I am very interested in

building an architecture for communications between CAX tools and

services, but I currently plan to use lightweight message-based

technologies to implement a common "info bus" through which tools

and services would communicate using a set of pub/sub type APIs.

Of course, there may also be use cases for which remote object

protocols are appropriate, but a lot of tools and services will

require wrappers to participate and I suspect messsaging wrappers

may be easier to write than remote-object-style wrappers that

have to maintain a lot of state. That certainly doesn't preclude

defining objects as the things that are communicating, so perhaps

it's just a remote object architecture by another name. ;) The

particular technology that I'm planning to experiment with is

Twisted's "Asynchronous Messaging Protocol", AMP[1], which is

very lightweight and elegant (Twisted also has Perspective

Broker[2], an interesting remote object protocol).

* from a semantic viewpoint, whereas the computational model is explicit,

the informational model is mostly implicit. For instance, the

CadBrep::Face class definition could be whatever. In my opinion, it could

be a good thing to harmonize the semantics contained in the OCS and the

STEP parts 42, 55 etc.;

I wholeheartedly agree with that! In fact, speaking of

semantics, I'd actually like to have an ontology (OWL) from which

the informational model (schema) is generated -- of course, this

is a design principle I'm trying to implement in my

work-in-progress, PGEF[3] ... ;)

* some of the methods defined in OCS are strongly platform dependent: for

instance CAD User Interface, paths etc. A high level CAD API should

abstract these concepts and be platform/CAD system independent;

I certainly agree that all methods should be platform

independent. In a quick glance I didn't notice anything

platform-dependent -- can you give an example?

* at last, I have a few doubts about the persistent identification since I

know it's still considered as a major issue. And I wonder whether or not

the OCC topological naming could be mapped to these persistent_ids.

I agree there could be issues there also -- a big stumbling block

in trying to implement a product model in which important printed

circuit board features could have their identities survive a

round-trip (import/export) to/from an MCAD tool is the lack of

session-independent persistent identifiers in MCAD tools at the

"feature" level. Of course, you might have meant something else

;), but that is one persistence issue I'm aware of!

For me this is a very useful thread and I'd like to help in any

way I can with helping to define and test a high-level CAD API.



[1] http://twistedmatrix.com/documents/8.1.0/api/twisted.protocols.amp.html

[2] http://twistedmatrix.com/documents/current/core/howto/pb.html

[3] https://pangalactic.us/repo/pgef

PS Thomas, do you think someone from the pythonOCC team might

participate in PDE 2011? I hope so!

Best Regards,


2010/12/12 Stephen Waterbury water...@pangalactic.us water...@pangalactic.us>>

Thomas, Dan, Dave,

A precedent (or at least a closely related concept) was the "CAD

Services API" developed by the [now defunct] OMG Manufacturing

Technology & Industrial Systems Task Force (MANTIS). That

specification is no longer active. It basically fell prey to

the OMG rule that an active spec must be implemented by at least

2 vendors -- it was only implemented by one vendor (see below) --

but it represents some good work that is still potentially


The fact that only ITI had a product that implemented the CAD

Services API specification is more an indication of the hesitancy

of CAD vendors to provide a standardized API than of the quality

of the spec, IMO. ;) I've put a copy of its last version on my

web server for convenience (not publicized since I think OMG's

copyright might still be in force, not sure -- but since NASA

contributed to the spec, I feel somewhat justified in making it



It's interesting to note that both NASA *and* OpenCascade

contributed to the spec. It is based on the API of "CADScript",

a set of Python wrappers for CAD tools that was developed as a

commercial product by Doug Cheney of International Technegroup

Incorporated (ITI). CADScript is no longer offered by ITI as a

product, but Doug (who is a strong python advocate) has used a

Python API internally for another ITI product of which he is the

primary developer, called CADIQ, which analyses CAD models for

various types of modeling errors that could lead to data exchange

problems or manufacturing problems, for example. (The CADIQ url

is: http://www.transcendata.com/products/cadiq/) Doug presented

the CADScript product at the PDE 2001 Workshop at JPL. His

presentationslides are here:


Doug also did an impressive live demo using CADScript for the

Multi-CAD Assembly use case shown in his next-to-last slide.

Also, from recent conversations with Doug, I know that users of

the current CADIQ product can be given access to the supported

Python API that it uses (not sure how much of CADScript might be


I agree with what Thomas proposes below -- the concept of a

standardized high-level API that would have a standardized

framework or methods to specialize it for particular use cases.

I'd suggest considering the CAD Services API specification as a

starting point for a high-level API, since that spec incorporates

a substantial amount of harmonization work that was done to

develop a consensus high-level CAD API, and I think if pythonOCC

provided a high-level API that implements even something close to

the CAD Services API, it could provide a de facto industry

standard high-level CAD API, with the hope of getting it adopted

by other tools, and in the future possibly made a formal standard

(by OMG, ISO/IEC, or whomever).



On 12/11/2010 03:47 PM, Thomas Paviot wrote:

Dear Dan, Dave,

I didn't know about the openscad project, thanks for introducing me this

project. Dave, you write "it is a tool that allows programmatically building

solids using python and a CSG kernel", but I don't see any python scripting, I

have rather the feeling that the scripting language of openscad is a kind of

specific language, am I wrong?

I agree with both of you regarding the high-level API that could be built upon

pythonOCC. Abstracting the low-level OCC api/data model would be something

really helpful. From a development viewpoint, there is not big issue : we all

developed or our own classes/methods or function in pythonOCC in ordre to

speed up development and make our programs modular. The big deal is rather :

what classes/methods should be made available to the user? How could this set

of functions be complete, ie how to ensure that *all* the needs from any

user are covered by this API ?

In my opinion, there's no way to get it done (I've been thinking about this

for a long time). We'll always find a user that is not satisfied with the API

and who requests for another method/class etc. The risk is then that this high

level API become as big and complex as the original one (OCC).

We could then imagine a different workflow than the usual one. I think about

something that was used for the standardization of the AP239 of the STEP

standard (also known as PCLS) : a very generic data model were designed (and

standardized), and the specialization of the data model was also standardized.

As a consequence, users with very specific business just join their efforts to

define a standardized specialization of the generic data model suitable for

their needs (aviation maintenance, operational feedback etc.).

This development model could be moved to the pythonOCC high level API

development :

* a generic data model would be defined, with basic and fundamental

elements ;

* a framework for specializing this model is also defined. Both of this

two points could be viewed at an ontological level ;

* we then set up a 'high level API' repository with a set of basic

classes/methods already defined ;

* from these 2 points, we just let the user contribute new

classes/functions/methods if what he is looking for is not already

available from the repository.

It could be a way for us (developpers of pythonocc) to share the development

efforts of this needed high level API. And to have, as a consequence, a huge

web-based repository of python classes/methods/functions, classified by

businesses (FEM, manufacturing etc.), level of granularity, functions (gears,

bearings etc.) etc.

pythonOCC would then become a kind of distributed library : a core component

(the python wrapper), required, and thousands of optional components available

online, supported by a powerfull request engine. Setting up such an

architecture is more a scientific project than a simple python development


What do you think about that idea?


2010/12/11 Dave Cowden dave.cow...@gmail.com dave.cow...@gmail.com> dave.cow...@gmail.com dave.cow...@gmail.com>>>

Yes, definitely a higher level of abstraction is needed than just pure python.

I am thinking ( not surprisingly ) of an environment a lot like a java

ide. You write code, but the ide provides syntax highlighting,

function completion, refactor support, code templates, a way to

include other libraries, etc.

On 12/10/10, Dan Falck dfa...@frontier.com dfa...@frontier.com> dfa...@frontier.com dfa...@frontier.com>>> wrote:

> Yes, this technique does work- I've used it for commercial design work

> with some proprietary modelers (Ashlar Cobalt and PunchCad Shark FX)

> that used a crude scripting language-called of all things 'Macro

> Parser'. I was able to make simple changes to the scripting that would

> be major changes to the model. This allowed for very flexible revisions.

> It also made it easy to recover from a crash if the application was

> acting finicky.

> I was able to do fork crowns for bicycles (classic Italian style-not the

> modern stuff) by using techniques that emulated a cnc mill tool path

> through the solid block. The whole time I was working the model as a

> machinist would at a mill or lathe- subtracting shapes from the solid

> that I started with. Python code was necessary to keep me from losing my

> mind during these projects :) I created some functions that made dealing

> with the crude 'Macro Parser' scripting a lot easier.

> PythonOCC looks a whole lot more attractive to me than my old work with

> this crude scripting. But, I would like to be able to abstract it a

> little more though to make it easier to remember how to use it, without

> having to go to the OCC docs all the time. I would bet that Thomas and

> Jelle are working on something like this.

> I think this project might be similar to what we are talking about:


> http://www.caddd.org/


> Dan


> On 12/10/10 2:27 PM, Dave Cowden wrote:

>> I assume that someone has seen this:


>> http://openscad.org/


>> it is a tool that allows programmatically building solids using python

>> and a CSG kernel.


>> If such a tool used pythonOCC instead, it would be _much_ more powerful.


>> This kind of tool is really interesting to me. Anyone who has done

>> much solid modelling for a living quickly realizes that a complex

>> solid model is much like a programming problem. You cannot just

>> 'start building' a complex model: you have to plan how the object is

>> built, which references are used, etc, so that the object is

>> extensible and easily changed to accommodate design iterations. It

>> becomes really important to plan reference planes and other reference

>> geometries to reference each other in a way consistent with the rest

>> of the model.


>> Using a programming language to capture the [currently always

>> proprietary] way that solid modelling packages capture the build order

>> and dependency chains of a solid ( especially parametric solids ) is

>> brilliant. As programmers, we are very familiar with the ability to

>> use CVS merge and other utilities to track fine-grained changes to

>> software over time, even when under concurrent development. Imagine

>> the power of this capability applied to scripts that produce solid

>> objects! No more huge binary solid object files that are opaque from

>> a change management viewpoint!


>> Does anyone know if such a package is underway anywhere based on

>> pythonOCC?




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