Thanks, Paul. That explains it...

I find it strange that ARM would restrict emulation of their architecture 
-- that could hardly pose a threat to their business, I would say.

Anyhow, thanks for the note.

- Wolfgang

Paul Brook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 29.03.2006 16:39:12:

> On Wednesday 29 March 2006 13:33, Wolfgang Schildbach wrote:
> > Hello list,
> >
> > Running an ARM application in user mode emulation (qemu CVS version of
> > 3-15-2006), my code crashes at an SMMUL instruction (this is part of 
> > ARMv6 instruction set). A brief glance at translate.c and op.c seems 
> > suggest that qemu does not emulate that instruction (yet). Before I 
> > any deeper, could somebody in the know (Paul?) confirm or reject this
> > suspicion?
> qemu cvs only supports ARMv5TE.
> The ARMv6 architecture is released under a more restrictive licence than 

> ARMv5.  The Arm licencing department have explicitly prohibited the 
> distribution of open source ARMv6/v7 emulators.
> We're trying to get this restriction lifted, but so far to no avail.
> Paul

Wolfgang Schildbach, Senior Research Engineer
Coding Technologies GmbH

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