On Sun, Apr 02, 2006 at 04:42:42PM +0000, Chris Wilson wrote:
> Hi Jamie,
> > I like the idea, but do you know of anyone using OpenCores devices
> > implemented in silicon?  It seems to me the motivation for ARM
> > emulation is to be able to simulate embedded devices that people may
> > feasibly end up using.
> I'm no expert, but it appears that OpenCores have a working core that
> runs most of the MIPS instruction set. MIPS is a very well known, tried
> and trusted architecture. My cable modem has a MIPS-compatible processor
> made by Toshiba. It seems to me that MIPS is just as realistic and
> usable platform as ARM. But I would be very interested to hear from
> anyone who knows better.
> Now, I wonder when Qemu will support MIPS emulation? :-)

When somebody implements more of the necessary support. The specs
are available from mips.com (free registration needed).


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