On Wed, Jun 28, 2006 at 07:03:31PM -0400, Joe Lee wrote:
> >
> >I would be interested in a GUI that is not specific to QEMU. e.g. Xen/VT,
> >Basilisk II, SheepShaver, etc. ;-)
> Gwenole, can you elaborate more on your comments above. Are your 
> comments referring to having a GUI that can both run and manage several 
> virtualization  product (QEMU, XEN, etc) from one central GUI interface? 
> If so, I had a similar thought on this BUT was not sure how possible 
> this was. Would like to hear more on what your thoughts are on this. 
> Anyone else thought and comments to this would be appreciated!

Its entirely feasible if you have a management API to use which supports
the different virtualization backends. That would allow the GUI to be 
written to a single API, and yet control multiple systems like QEMU, Xen,
etc. The libvirt project aims to provide such a backend API, currently
supporting Xen, and a 'mock hypervisor' backend for testing purposes, and
it would be very desirable to have backends to drive QEMU & VMWare systems.
While the GUI would no doubt still have some differences in the area of
hardware /device configuration the bulk of it could be shared by using
the generic libvirt backend. I've got an early prototype of a Python/GTK 
based GUI for managing VMs via libvirt:


So if anyone's interested in trying to put together a QEMU backend for 
libvirt the project site is   http://libvirt.org/

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