On 01/05/2024 20.27, Daniel P. Berrangé wrote:
The various targets which define versioned machine types have
a bunch of obfuscated macro code for defining unique function
and variable names using string concatenation.

This addes a couple of helpers to improve the clarity of such
code macro.

Signed-off-by: Daniel P. Berrangé <berra...@redhat.com>
  include/hw/boards.h | 166 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  1 file changed, 166 insertions(+)

diff --git a/include/hw/boards.h b/include/hw/boards.h
index 2fa800f11a..47ca450fca 100644
--- a/include/hw/boards.h
+++ b/include/hw/boards.h
@@ -414,6 +414,172 @@ struct MachineState {
      struct NumaState *numa_state;
+ * The macros which follow are intended to facilitate the
+ * definition of versioned machine types, using a somewhat
+ * similar pattern across targets:

I'd suggest to add a sentence at the end saying something like this: "For example, to create the macro for setting up a versioned "virt" machine could look like this:" (otherwise it's not immediately clear whether the example is about only the "macros which follow" or whether it's about how to set up a machine type)

+ *  #define DEFINE_VIRT_MACHINE_IMPL(latest, ...) \
+ *      static void MACHINE_VER_SYM(class_init, virt, __VA_ARGS__)( \
+ *          ObjectClass *oc, \
+ *          void *data) \
+ *      { \
+ *          MachineClass *mc = MACHINE_CLASS(oc); \
+ *          MACHINE_VER_SYM(options, virt, __VA_ARGS__)(mc); \
+ *          mc->desc = "QEMU " MACHINE_VER_STR(__VA_ARGS__) " Virtual 
Machine"; \
+ *          if (latest) { \
+ *              mc->alias = "virt"; \
+ *          } \
+ *      } \
+ *      static const TypeInfo MACHINE_VER_SYM(info, virt, __VA_ARGS__) = { \
+ *          .name = MACHINE_VER_TYPE_NAME("virt", __VA_ARGS__), \
+ *          .parent = TYPE_VIRT_MACHINE, \
+ *          .class_init = MACHINE_VER_SYM(class_init, virt, __VA_ARGS__), \
+ *      }; \
+ *      static void MACHINE_VER_SYM(register, virt, __VA_ARGS__)(void) \
+ *      { \
+ *          type_register_static(&MACHINE_VER_SYM(info, virt, __VA_ARGS__)); \
+ *      } \
+ *      type_init(MACHINE_VER_SYM(register, virt, __VA_ARGS__));
+ *
+ * Following this, one (or more) helpers can be added for
+ * whichever scenarios need to be catered for with a machine:
+ *
+ *  // Normal 2 digit, marked as latest eg 'virt-9.0'
+ *  #define DEFINE_VIRT_MACHINE_LATEST(major, minor) \
+ *      DEFINE_VIRT_MACHINE_IMPL(true, major, minor)
+ *
+ *  // Normal 2 digit eg 'virt-9.0'
+ *  #define DEFINE_VIRT_MACHINE(major, minor) \
+ *      DEFINE_VIRT_MACHINE_IMPL(false, major, minor)
+ *
+ *  // Bugfix 3 digit  eg 'virt-9.0.1'
+ *  #define DEFINE_VIRT_MACHINE_BUGFIX(major, minor, micro) \
+ *      DEFINE_VIRT_MACHINE_IMPL(false, major, minor, micro)
+ *
+ *  // Tagged 2 digit  eg 'virt-9.0-extra'
+ *  #define DEFINE_VIRT_MACHINE_TAGGED(major, minor, tag) \
+ *      DEFINE_VIRT_MACHINE_IMPL(false, major, minor, _, tag)
+ *
+ *  // Tagged bugffix 2 digit  eg 'virt-9.0.1-extra'


+ *  #define DEFINE_VIRT_MACHINE_TAGGED(major, minor, micro, tag) \
+ *      DEFINE_VIRT_MACHINE_IMPL(false, major, minor, micro, _, tag)
+ */

I'd suggest to add a separate comment for the macro below, explaining that it is supposed to be used with __VA_ARGS__ to pick a certain other macro depending on the amount of entries in __VA_ARGS__.

+#define _MACHINE_VER_PICK(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, ...) x6
+ * Construct a human targetted machine version string.

s/targetted/targeted/ according to my spell checker ?

Apart from the nits:
Reviewed-by: Thomas Huth <th...@redhat.com>


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