On Friday, November 22, 2013 11:34:41 AM Stefan Hajnoczi wrote:
> IMO this seccomp approach is doomed since QEMU does not practice
> privilege separation.  QEMU is monolithic so it's really hard to create
> a meaningful sets of system calls.

I'm a big fan of decomposing QEMU, but based on previous discussions there 
seems to be a lot of fear from the core QEMU folks around decomposition; 
enough that I'm not sure it is worth the time and effort at this point to 
pursue it.  While I agree that a decomposed QEMU would be able to make better 
use of syscall filtering (and LSM/SELinux protection, and ...) I don't believe 
it means syscall filtering is a complete lost cause with a monolithic QEMU.  
Any improvement you can make, no matter how small, is still and improvement.

> To avoid breaking stuff you need to be too liberal, defeating the purpose of
> seccomp.

Even if you can only disable a few syscalls you are still better off than you 
were before.  Could it be done better, of course it could, but it doesn't mean 
you shouldn't try for some benefit.

> For each QEMU command-line there may be a different set of syscalls that
> should be allowed/forbidden.

I'm not sure if you missed it or not, but I had an email exchange with Eduardo 
on this list about making the syscall whitelist a bit more "intelligent" and 
dependent on what functionality was enabled for a given QEMU instance.  This 
should help a bit with the problems you are describing.

> The existing approach clearly doesn't support the full range of options
> that users specify on the command-line.

Bugs.  It will get fixed in time with more testing/debugging.  Eduardo is 
working on improving the testing and RH's QA folks are working hard to shake 
out the bugs too.  I just posted another bug fix patch to the whitelist a few 
days ago.

> So I guess the options are:
> 1. Don't make it the default since it breaks stuff but use it for very
> specific scenarios (e.g. libvirt use cases that have been well tested).

In my opinion, I think it was probably a bit premature to make enable it by 
default, but at some point in the future I think we do need to do this.

> 2. Provide a kind of syscall set for various QEMU options and apply the
> union of them at launch.  This still seems fragile but in theory it
> could work.

This is what I was discussing above.  I think this is likely the next big 

paul moore
security and virtualization @ redhat

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