+1. I already asked this months ago... It would be very good, also to
have an improved Python Scripting environment in QGis.


2010/7/29 Duarte Carreira <dcarre...@edia.pt>:
> Hi.
> I’m trying to work with Eric4 and QGIS. Eric4 integrates very well with PyQT
> but requires QScintilla2 and its python bindings. We can get this by
> installing PyQt [1] or by building QScintilla from scratch [2].
> Problem is, I can’t find PyQt binaries anymore at the same version used by
> QGIS (QT 4.5.2).
> And no matter how hard I try I always fail to build QScintilla python
> bindings (tried Visual Studio 2008 and mingw32; several versions of
> Qscintilla)… problems arise at the final stage of nmaking the python
> bindings, with several C2440 errors (Conversion loses qualifiers) [3].
> So as a last resort I’m asking the list if anyone can help…
> …do you have a PyQt distribution that includes QScintilla and is on par with
> QGIS? Can you build QScintilla 2.2 or 2.3 using the same QGIS/OSGeo4W
> environment (v2.4 requires sip 4.10 and QGIS is using sip 4.8)?
> The ideal situation would be to include Qscintilla in the  QGIS building
> process… but this may be to much to ask?
> Thanks,
> Duarte
> [1]
> http://www.riverbankcomputing.co.uk/static/Downloads/PyQt4/PyQt-Py2.5-gpl-4.7.4-1.exe
> [2] http://www.riverbankcomputing.co.uk/static/Docs/QScintilla2/index.html
> [3] error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert f rom 'const char *' to
> 'char *'
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