Hi Benoit,

On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 2:40 PM, Benoit de Cabissole <ben...@exigesa.com>wrote:

> Hi GDAL plugin developers,
> The 'new' translate dialog box refers.
> 1) I want to setup the No data value to 99999 but the textbox only allows
> me
> to enter 2 digits, after that I have to click on the up arrow for a
> looooong
> time to get to 99999! Is that restriction on purpose, is it a Qt
> limitation?
No Qt limit, in this moment the NoData maximum value is wrong (255).

2) Also, in the same dialog, I want to convert a TIFF (GTiff) to an ASCII
> grid (AAIGrid) so, in the Output file Select dialog I choose a type of
> "[GDAL] Arc *.Info ASCII Grid (*.asc *.ASC)" and give a name "test.asc" but
> the script info box (bottom textbox) shows "-of GTiff" and although the
> extension of the output file is .asc it creates a tiff file when run! Is it
> on purpose?
It's an issue due to a workaround added before applying the patch
at #2376. Now I can remove it (better if I add a test to keep GdalTools
compatible with old QGis versions).

What I'm doing in copying the script to a DOS window, change GTiff to
> AAIGrid and run the script, it works flawlessly but it is a pain. Could you
> consider allowing editing the text in the script info box and run this
> edited script?
We want to add this feature ASAP, but it could require some time.

Fixed both issues from r14074.


Giuseppe Sucameli
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