Hi (probably mainly to Marco)

1) I made some changes to the logging infrastructure in QGS Mapserver.
My pull request is here.


Could you take a look and tell me if you are ok for me to apply it?

2) I have this (big) problem with QGS Mapserver not rendering my
layers. I spent the day debugging and it seems that

in src/mapserver/qgswmsserver.cpp

1197     QList<QgsMapLayer*> layerList =
mConfigParser->mapLayerFromStyle( *llstIt, styleName, allowCaching );

always returns an empty list. My test map is very simple, three
postgis line layers all with default styling, epsg 32533 (UTM 33 N).
In all other respects, it seems to work fine (getCapabilities etc),
just the above line which cause no layers to be passed to maprenderer.
Do you have any ideas why this may be?


Tim Sutton - QGIS Project Steering Committee Member (Release  Manager)
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