I'm new to QGIS having just started with 2.0 in early October.
OpenLayers has got t be on of my most favorite features/plugins. Love
all the great basemap choices you can add, much more than ArcGIS. I too
found problems right away with Print Composer which is too bad because
often the whole point is to get a  map made and one wants things such as
a wonderful feature as OpenLayers to work. This is critical. I also
discovered quickly that OpenLayers map disappears when reopening a
project. I contacted the plugin author about this and he said he needs
additional funding and hopefully it will be fixed in version 2.2.


David Chrest

Research GIS Analyst

RTI International

3040 Cornwallis Rd, PO Box 12194

Research Triangle Park, NC  27709-2194


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