What kind of raster file? What format and what specifics?

I'd recommend you use a format that is binary and internally tiled, e.g. GeoTIFF with TILES=YES. That way access to such areas is as efficient as can be.

49 neighbors is quite excessive, maybe simply downsampling your raster with an appropriate filter/interpolator would achieve the result you need?

On 17.03.24 15:25, Langers, Fransje via QGIS-User wrote:

I work with QGIS 3.34.

I have a raster input file, with cell size 5*5m, and with values 1 and 0.

I want to use r.neighbors (operation average), .

When I choose a small neighborhood size of 3, everything goes fine.

For my analyses I need to choose a neighborhood size of 49 (representing a 250m diameter).

It seems this operation is too large, as I get no result (not responding). What can I do?

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