Joachim Van der Auwera wrote:
> Speed is not the issue.

I beg to differ. Applications coming to a complete halt because the
garbage collector decides that it is time to bring out the thrash are
not unheard of.
And that's basically my point. A garbage collector is a convenience
for the programer. It is however bad from an efficiency POV. Sure, it
helps preventing memory leaks, but then you just have to do it right
in other languages.

> While Java *can* be run using a interpreter (which I assume is what you
> actually mean when you say "virtual machine"), that is indeed wasteful
> of clock cycles. However, the latest breed of JIT compilers does not
> interpret anything, it simply compiles code later rather than sooner.
> Combined with classloader tricks this is very powerful.

Well, I am an advocate for the "compile once, run many" doctrine. I
don't see the point in compiling an application every darn time I
start it. Or even interpreting it once or twice and stopping for
compiling it in between.

> There actually are benchmarks (ok, I know these are not always
> equally correct) which show that Java code runs *faster* then
> equivalent C++ code.

Lies, damn lies and benchmarks :-)

> In short, and as always, it is mainly the skills of the programmers
> which determine whether a program runs fast and/or uses a lot of
> memory.

I trust you know what you're doing. But most programers who start with
Java certainly don't anymore. I normally use PCs which most people
would probably consider outdated. On those I can say that all Java
applications I've come across are neither as fast nor as restrained
when it comes to memory than natively compiled applications.

> You can write sloppy and wasteful code in any language.

Too true.

> What matters most is that it is more difficult to write properly
> working code in some languages than in others. AFAIK Java is on the
> better side.

True, too. As I said, the language is pretty much fine with me. I
currently cannot name a single language that has my full approval
anyway: "all programming languages suck".


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