Tony Firshman wrote:
>> (I thought Tony was going to get lynched when he ordered other
>> users off the line to make way for Jon Dent's presentation,
> That is a mite hard.  I thought the whole point of the internet
> connection was for Jon's demonstration.  We had the internet connection
> from about 10:30, and Jon took over the line at about 16:00.
> Marcel was worried for a while, but not about the internet connection.
> He thought the local network was going down, but that remained all the
> time.

True. I didn't really use the internet connection much, but I did
debug other QPC laptops over the Wifi LAN (one of which didn't even
have a regular cable based connector, so Wifi was the only way) and I
feared that the access point would be shut off, too.


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